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Bibliography of Presentations & Talks by Bruce G. Marcot

Current as of:  27 February 2024
  (384 entries)

Allen, C., R. White, S. Morey, B. Marcot, D. Shively, and J. Dunham. 2009. Assessing potential impacts of a proposed reintroduction of bull trout on ESA-listed salmon and steelhead in the Clackamas River. in: Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 25-27 February 2009. Bend, Oregon.

Amstrup, S. C., B. G. Marcot, and D. C. Douglas. 2008. Forecasting the 21st century world-wide status of polar bears using a Bayesian network modeling approach. Second USGS Modeling Conference. 11-15 February 2008, Orange Beach, Alabama. in:

Beever, E. A., and B. G. Marcot. 2008. Bayesian network models as a framework for forecasting wildlife response to GCC. Presented 18 November 2008 at the WildREACH Workshop, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Fairbanks, Alaska. in:

Bloem, K. A., B. G. Marcot, and C. Belongie. 2013. Variation in the primary song of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) throughout their range. Presented 22 October 2013. in: I Worldwide Raptor Conference (Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference 2013, III Neotropical Raptor Network Conference, and WWGBP VII International Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls). Bariloche, Argentina.

Burgess, T., B. Marcot, and P. Scott. 2022. Multivariate Bayesian analysis to identify traits associated with invasiveness of Phytophthora pathogens. in: Presented 21 June 2022 at Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems, 10th Meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Working Party S07.02.09, 19-25 June 2022 Berkeley CA.

Burgess, T. I., B. G. Marcot, and P. Scott. 2023. Predicting invasiveness of Phytophthora species at a global scale. International Congress of Plant Pathology, 20-25 August 2023. in: Lyon, France.

Christophersen, A., A. Hanea, T. Cao, A. Coutts, B. G. Marcot, and T. Penman. 2019. Poster: Introducing the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society. Presented at: Joint Conference on Risk and Decision-Making. Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand (SRA-ANZ) with Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS). 13-14 November 2019, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. in:

Crowe, V. M., C. D. Rader, and B. G. Marcot. 1987. CAPS: A pattern recognition expert system for analysis of the capnogram. Presented at Seventh Medical Monitoring Technology Conference, March 7-12, 1987, Vail, Colorado, sponsored by Ohio State University Department of Anesthesiology.

DeGange, A. R., B. G. Marcot, and others. 2016. WildCast: Wildlife Potential Habitat Forecasting Framework Project. Presented 8 February 2016 at: Traditional Knowledge and Ecosystem Change Models, Alaska Forum on the Environment, Anchorage, Alaska.

Douglas, T. A., C. A. Hiemstra, T. Sullivan, T. Nelsen, M. T. Jorgenson, H. Genet, and B. G. Marcot. 2021. Interior Alaska DoD training land wildlife habitat vulnerability to permafrost thaw, an altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes (RC18-1170). SERDP conference, December 2021. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), U.S. Department of Defense. Washington, D.C.

Douglas, T. A., C. A. Hiemstra, T. D. Sullivan, M. T. Jorgenson, H. Genet, and B. G. Marcot. 2020. Identifying areas at risk of permafrost degradation and habitat change in Interior Alaska by integrating information from remote sensing, field measurements, and ecological modelling. SERDP conference, December 2020. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), U.S. Department of Defense. Washington, D.C.

Douglas, T. A., M. T. Jorgenson, B. G. Marcot, H. Genet, C. A. Hiemstra, H. Greaves, M. R. Turetsky, and T. D. Sullivan. 2019. Vulnerability of habitats and wildlife on interior Alaska DoD training lands. Presented, with poster, at: SERDP-ESTCP Symposium, 3-5 December 2019. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), U.S. Department of Defense. Washington, D.C.

Douglas, T. A., M. T. Jorgenson, B. G. Marcot, H. Genet, C. Zhang, C. Hiemstra, P. Nelsen, and M. Turetsky. 2022. Interior Alaska DoD training land wildlife habitat vulnerability to permafrost thaw, an altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes. Presented November 2022 at 2022 SERDP & ESTCP and OE-Innovation Symposium, Arlington, Virginia, 29 November - 2 December 2022. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program.

Fortin, J. K., K. D. Rode, G. V. Hilderbrand, J. Wilder, S. Farley, C. Jorgensen, and B. G. Marcot. 2016. The impacts of human recreation on brown bears (Ursus arctos): a review and new management tool. Presentation at: 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Anchorage, Alaska.

Genet, H., M. T. Jorgenson, T. Douglas, B. Marcot, P. Nelsen, and H. Greaves. 2021. Modeling land cover dynamic in response to climate change, wildfire and thermokarst in boreal Alaska peatlands. in: Yukon Flats NWR Fire Management Workshop, Alaska Fire Science Consortium (virtual).

Genet, H., M. T. Jorgenson, T. A. Douglas, H. Greaves, C. Hiemastra, B. G. Marcot, and M. R. Turetsky. 2019. Assessing land cover change and lowland vulnerability to permafrost thaw, altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes on Interior Alaska. Presented at: AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting 2019, session on Causes and consequences of changing disturbance regimes in boreal forests across the globe. 9-13 December 2019. San Francisco, CA.

Genet, H., T. Jorgenson, T. Douglas, and B. G. Marcot. 2022. Assessing landscape vulnerability to permafrost thaw, wildfires, and hydrologic changes on boreal Alaska. in: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2022 Chicago, IL.

Greaves, H., H. Genet, R. Rutter, T. Jorgenson, B. Marcot, T. Douglas, A. Breen, E. Euskirchen, T. Carman, V. Romanovsky, R. W. Bolton, M. Lara, and S. Rupp. 2019. Developing an integrated modeling framework to assess the impact of thermokarst disturbance on ecosystem services in the boreal region. Poster presented Bonanza Creek LTER mid-term site review, June 19-21, 2019. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK.

Greene, S., B. G. Marcot, E. Zieroth, and A. Evendon. 1997. Natural areas of the Columbia Basin assessment area. Poster presented at: Ecosystem management in the interior Columbia Basin: science and management in partnership. 3-5 March 1997, Spokane WA. Also presented at: Natural Areas Conference, 27-30 August 1997, Portland, Oregon.

Hanea, A., V. Hemming, B. G. Marcot, and A. Christophersen. 2018. The use and abuse of expert judgement. Panel 7 December 2018 presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Hanea, A., B. G. Marcot, T. Penman, and S. Mascaro. 2018. The many faces of Bayesian networks. Panel 6 December 2018 presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Hanea, A. M., and B. G. Marcot. 2018. What is an optimal value of k in k-fold cross-validation in discrete Bayesian network analysis?. Presented 6 December 2018 at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Havron, A., C. Goldfinger, S. Henkel, B. G. Marcot, C. Romsos, and L. Gilbane. 2014. Bayesian inference of benthic infauna habitat suitability along the U.S. West Coast. Presented at the International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, August 14-18.

Heinrichs, J. A., B. G. Marcot, M. A. Linnell, and D. B. Lesmeister. 2023. Characterizing long-term population conditions of an elusive species with dynamic individual-based modeling. in: IALE-North American Annual Meeting, ?March 19-23, 2023. International Association for Landscape Ecologists - North American Chapter, Riverside, California.

Hollen, B., B. Woodbridge, E. M. Glenn, M. Thrailkill, and B. Marcot. 2019. Regulatory definitions of "habitat" in critical habitat designations under the ESA: A case study with Northern Spotted Owl. Presentation 3 October 2019 at symposium on "Habitat: A Concept by Any Other Name Would (Not) Smell as Sweet," Joint Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, Nevada.

Jay, C., B. G. Marcot, and D. Douglas. 2009. Bayesian network modeling of Pacific walrus population status. Briefing 30 June 2009 by USDI Geological Survey Walrus Science Team to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska. in:

Jay, C. V., B. G. Marcot, and D. C. Douglas. 2009. Forecasting Pacific walrus status: modeling key factors with Bayesian networks. Presented at: Society for Marine Mammalogy - 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 12-16 October 2009.

Jay, C. V., B. G. Marcot, and D. C. Douglas. 2010. Forecasting status of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) in the 21st century. Presented 22 July 2010 to: USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Walrus Listing Team, Anchorage, Alaska. in:

Johnson, D. H., and B. G. Marcot. 2000. Survey techniques for the world's owls - fundamentals to conservation. in: Owls 2000: the biology, conservation and cultural significance of owls. Canberra, Australia, 19-23 January 2000.

Jorgenson, M. T., B. G. Marcot, D. K. Swanson, J. C. Jorgenson, and A. R. DeGange. 2014. Projected changes in diverse ecosystems from climate warming in northwest Alaska. Presented at: 2014 US International Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), 18-22 May 2014, Anchorage, Alaska.

Jorgenson, M. T., B. G. Marcot, D. K. Swanson, J. C. Jorgenson, and A. R. DeGange. 2016. Projected changes in diverse ecosystems from climate warming and biophysical drivers in northwest Alaska. ARCUS Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium, 19-20 October 2016, University of Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.

Jorgenson, T., and B. G. Marcot. 2012. Predicting future habitat changes and habitat use in northwest Alaska. Presented at: Interior Arctic Alaska National Parks Climate Change Scenario Planning Workshop. 27 March 2012, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

Kennedy, R., P. Hessburg, B. Marcot, P. Singleton, M. Raphael, J. Lehmkuhl, A. Ager, and T. Spies. 2011. Conserving northern spotted owl habitat and populations while mitigating wildfire risk and increasing resiliency of forest structure and function: balancing among conflicting ecosystem services in landscapes characterized by disturbance. in: 2011 US-IALE (U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology) Annual Symposium. Portland, Oregon.

Kennedy, R. S. H., A. A. Ager, P. F. Hessburg, J. F. Lehmkuhl, B. G. Marcot, M. G. Raphael, N. H. Schumaker, P. H. Singleton, and T. A. Spies. 2009. Assessing the compatibility of fuel treatments, wildfire risk, and conservation of Northern Spotted Owl habitats and populations in the eastern Cascades. Invited poster at Joint Fire Science Program Extended Poster Session at: 4th International Fire Ecology & Management Congress: Fire as a Global Process. 30 November - 4 December 2009, Savannah, Georgia.

Kim, J., B. G. Marcot, D. Olson, B. Van Horne, M. Hand, P. Hennon, D. D'Amore, J. Vano, L. Salas, and M. Case. 2017. Building climate-smart forests for an uncertain future. Presented 9 August 2017 at: Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, 6-11 August 2017, Portland, Oregon, Session on Building Climate-Smart Forests for an Uncertain Future.

Kineman, J. J., N. Lele, K. Shanker, H. Kumara, J. Joshi, M. Chaitra, I. Agarwal, S. P. Vijaykumar, G. Joseph, K. N. Ganeshaiah, S. Krupanidhi, S. Balasubramanian, M. Coughenour, B. Marcot, and C. Wessman. 2010. Modeling complex ecological response to climate. Step 1: A general niche model to couple potentials with dynamics. Poster presented 15 April 2010 to: Seminar, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and University of Colorado Boulder.

Kumar, A., B. G. Marcot, and A. K. Gupta. 2009. Biodiversity resource use and conservation in Garo Hills, Meghalaya. Presented 8 January 2009. in: National Seminar on Emerging Issues in Biodiversity Management, 8-9 January 2009. IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), Bharatidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.

Kumar, A., B. G. Marcot, A. K. Gupta, P. S. Roy, and A. Saxena. 2003. The landscape and protected areas network in western Meghalaya. in: XVIIth Annual Research Seminar. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India, 8-10 December 2003.

Kumar, A., B. G. Marcot, V. B. Sawarkar, A. K. Gupta, and S. P. Singh. 2002. An ecological assessment of Garo Hills Conservation Area, Meghalaya. in: XVIth Annual Research Seminar. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India, 23-24 October 2002.

Kumar, A., B. G. Marcot, G. Talukdar, and P. S. Roy. 2010. Application of geoinformatics and spatial statistics in forest management and biodiversity conservation. in: G. P. Patil, ed. Rao International Conference on Frontiers of Interface Between Statistics and Sciences, 29 December 2009 - 2 January 2010. CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science & Department of Biotechnology, University of Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India, Hyderabad, India.

Kumar, A., V. B. Sawarkar, A. Saxena, P. S. Roy, and B. G. Marcot. 2000. Assessment of tree diversity, successional changes and forest fragmentation in jhum influenced forest ecosystem of South Garo Hills, Meghalaya. in: Annual Research Seminar. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India, 27-29 September 2000.

Lawler, J., J. C. Jorgenson, B. G. Marcot, R. Winfree, and A. R. DeGange. 2014. WildCast: Projecting ecotypes and wildlife habitats in the Arctic Network and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge. Presented at: 7th annual Western Alaska Interdisciplinary Science Conference, 23-25 April 2014, Kotzebue, Alaska. in:

Lehmkuhl, J., R. Kennedy, P. Hessburg, P. Singleton, E. Haunreiter, B. Marcot, M. Raphael, A. Ager, T. Spies, and R. Scheller. 2012. Strategies for restoring fire resilient landscapes and conserving the threatened Northern Spotted Owl in the eastern Cascades of Oregon and Washington, USA. Presentation at: 5th International Fire Ecology Congress, December 2012, Portland, Oregon. in:

Lehmkuhl, J. F., P. K. Mathur, V. B. Sawarkar, H. R. S, B. G. Marcot, and M. G. Raphael. 2005. Management of forests in India for biological diversity and forest productivity: a new perspective. in: 1st Asia Section Regional Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, November 17-20, 2005. Kathmandu, Nepal.

Marcot, B. G. 1989. Biodiversity principles. Presented 11 July 1989 at: Forest Biologists Workshop, USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Region, Daytona Beach, Florida, 10- 14 July 1989.

Marcot, B. G. 1988. Environmental ethics in conflict: how are we managing our resources? A discussion of biological diversity, Leopolds' land ethic, and competing ethics. Presented Sept. 1988 to Faculty and Graduate Student Seminar, Department of Wildlife. Utah State University, Logan UT.

Marcot, B. G. 1987. Habitat distribution for population viability. Presented at Biology and Management of the Spotted Owl - A Briefing for the Chief and Staff. July 27, 1987. USDA Forest Service, Rosslyn VA.

Marcot, B. G. 1989-pres. Integrating silviculture and habitat objectives for managing forest stands for wood yield and wildlife tree habitat. Presented at Managing Forest Structure and Composition, short course presented by USDA Forest Service and Oregon State University. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1986-2011. Management of viable populations. Module for Wildlife Habitat Shortcourses, mid-career training course for agency wildlife biologists, USDA Forest Service.

Marcot, B. G. 1989. Old growth issues, concerns, and research. Chairperson for session at R-6 Fish and Wildlife Conference, USDA Forest Service, April 3-7, 1989, Bend, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1984. Predicting snag numbers under even-age silvicultural management. Presented at Ann. Mtg. Cooper Ornith. Soc., 19-23 June 1984, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, California.

Marcot, B. G. 1987. Use of graph theory measures for characterizing habitat diversity. Presented at Forest Ecology Seminar Series, Department of Forestry and USDA Forest Service Research Lab. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Balancing wildlife and timber management. Presented 12/90 to Wildlife Habitat Training Shortcourse, State of Washington, Department of Natural Resources. Olympia WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Conservation biology of mammals and birds. Presented 16 May 1990 at: Biological Evaluation and Endangered Species Act Training, USDA Forest Service. Boise ID.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Ecology and management of forests in India. Presented 1 November 1990 to Pacific Northwest Research Station Director and Staff, USDA Forest Service. Portland OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Expert systems -- an introduction and application to assessing soils productivity. Presented 22 August 1990 at workshop meeting on developing an expert system for soils diagnosis, USDA Forest Service Regional Office. Portland OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Integrating wildlife habitat into forest management. Presented 25 June at 1990 Science Teacher Workshop on Forest Ecology and Management, Portland State University, 18 June - 6 July 1990, sponsored by Northwest Institute for Science Education.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Maintaining viable spotted owl populations. Presentation at 1990 Conference of Western Section and Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Feb. 22-25, Sparks, Nevada.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Managing for biological diversity -- an introduction. Presented September 1990 at Conference on Wildlife in Managed Forests of India, Satpura Hills Biodiversity Project. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Monitoring and evaluation of biological diversity. Facilitation of panel discussion, 29 November 1990, at Conference on Biological Diversity, Spokane, Washington. USDA Forest Service,

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Population viability analysis. Presented at: Population ecology and wildlife toxicology of agricultural pesticide use: a modeling intiative for avian species, 25 July 1990, Kiawah Island, SC. Soc. of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Snag models. Presented at Wildlife tree workshop, The Wildlife Society Oregon/Washington chapter meetings, 1 March 1990, Welches, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Spotted owl population viability analysis. Presented at Symposium on the research and management of spotted owls in the southern California mountains, 2 March 1990, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California. USDA Forest Service,

Marcot, B. G. 1990. Taking WHR to new heights. Presented 17 July 1990 to California Wildlife- Habitat Relationships Task Group. Sacramento CA.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Assessing and conserving biodiversity in forest ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest: session introduction. TheWildlife Society conference, 18 April 1991, Silverdale WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Balancing wildlife and timber management. Presentations for wildlife workshop, Department of Natural Resources, State of Washington, Pack Experimental Forest, Eatonville, Washington, January 1991.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Implications of the spotted owl. Presented 14 May 1991 at Oregon Chapter Meeting, American Statistical Association, Salem, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Modeling snag dynamics. Presented 7 February 1991 at Regional Biologists' Workshop, USDA Forest Service, Sacramento CA.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Population viability analysis. Presented 7 February 1991 at Regional Biologists' Workshop, USDA Forest Service, Sacramento CA. in:

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Snag Recruitment Simulator. Presented 24 January 1991, Regional Silviculturists' Business Meeting, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. Spotted owls and forest conservation in the Northwest: a global perspective. Presented 12 February 1991 at Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. What is owl habitat? Presented 26 Feb 1991 at Mt. Hood National Forest Annual Silviculture Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1991. What is spotted owl habitat? Presented 23 January 1991 at Regional Silviculturists' Business Meeting, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1992. Owls of old forests of the world. in: 12 November 1992, Raptor Research Foundation Conference. Bellevue WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1992. Panel discussion (moderator). in: A Symposium on the Biology, Conservation, and Management of the Northern Spotted Owl, 12 November 1992, Raptor Research Foundation Conference. Bellevue WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1992. The Spotted Owl RD&A Program. Presented 8 April 1992 at USDA Forest Service Region 5 Spotted Owl Preseason Workshop. in: Sacramento CA.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Biodiversity of forests of the Pacific Northwest. in: Creating a forestry for the 21st century, 24-26 August 1993. Portland, OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. Columbia River Basin project assessment: terrestrial ecology analyses update. in: Public Meeting with Science Integration Team, 26 September 1994. Butte MT.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. Columbia River Basin project assessment: terrestrial ecology analyses: Butte meeting. in: Region 4, USDA Forest Service, Biologist Meeting, 18-19 August 1995. Butte MT.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. Columbia River Basin project assessment: terrestrial ecology analyses: Coeur d'Alene meeting. in: Region 4, USDA Forest Service, Biologist Zone Meeting, 15 August 1995. Coeur d'Alene ID.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Coordination with Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team and Eastside Region 6 ecosystem evaluations. in: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, Ecological Systems Team, California Spotted Owl EIS Team. Sacramento CA.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. The Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team. in: Ministry of Lands and Environment. 4 October 1993. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 1986-2011. Modeling populations. Module for Wildlife Habitat Shortcourses, mid-career training course for agency wildlife biologists, USDA Forest Service.

Marcot, B. G. 1986-2011. Modeling wildlife-habitat relationships. Module for Wildlife Habitat Shortcourses, mid-career training course for agency wildlife biologists, USDA Forest Service.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. Population viability assessment and management. in: USDA Forest Service Habitat Shortcourse, 6-11 April 1994. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg VA.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Reforestation, biodiversity, the spotted owl, and old growth. in: Environmental protection and economic growth in the U.S. A U.S. Information Agency East Asia and the Pacific Regional Project. The World Affairs Council of Oregon, sponser, Portland OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. A review of progress in wildlife habitat modeling and assessment. in: The Wildlife Society First Annual Conference. Albequerque NM. 62 abstract pp.

Marcot, B. G. 1994. Science Integration Team -- Terrestrial Staff Update (briefing at public meeting). in: Boise ID, 11/17/94.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Scientific analysis for population viability of wildlife, fish and plant species occurring in old-growth Douglas-fir ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. Presented 31 March 1993 at USDA Forest Service, Public Workshop on Conservation Biology and the Endangered Species Act: Reflections on 20 years of implementing the Endangered Species Act. San Diego, CA.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Snag dynamics modeling. in: Workshop on forest vegetation modeling. 27-29 September 1993. Priest River Experimental Forest, Idaho.

Marcot, B. G. 1993. Snag Recruitment Simulator: modeling snag dynamics. in: Wildlife Tree Committee of British Columbia Workshop. 6 October 1993. Williams Lake, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Columbia River Basin assessment. in: Presented at: Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jan 31 - Feb 2, 1995. Billings MT.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Columbia River Basin project assessment: terrestrial ecology analyses update. in: Public Meeting with Science Integration Team, 11-12 January 1995. Coeur d'Alene ID.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. An ecosystem context for bat management: a case study of the interior Columbia River Basin, U.S.A. in: Bats and Forests, 20-21 October 1995. B.C. Ministry of Forests, Victoria, B.C., Canada. xxx-xxx pp.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. The Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. in: talk to: B.C. Ministry of Forests, B.C. Ministry of Environment, and other agencies, 24 October 1995. Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Population viability and ecological roles of multi-species groups in the inland northwest. in: The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Portland OR. (abstract only) pp.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Practical tenets of adaptive management. Also: Columbia River Basin assessment. in: Workshop on Adaptive Forest Management in B.C., 28-31 March 1995. Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Cowichan Lake, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Science Integration Team -- Terrestrial Staff Update. in: Public meeting of the Science Integration Team. Coeur d'Alene ID, 1/12/95.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. Terrestrial ecology assessment: Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. in: Managing Forest Stands and Landscapes for Ecosystem Values: Continuing Education Program, USDA Forest Service Short Course. Presentation 4 April 1995. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1995. An update on identifying species information needs in the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. in: Programs, Issues, and Opportunities in Wildlife Research in Eastern Oregon and Washington, 27-28 April 1995. Sponsored by the Eastside Wildlife Team, Pendleton OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1996. Local conservation from a global perspective -- lessons from international land planning projects. Presented 22 May 1996 to Research Seminar, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Addressing ecological function from a wildlife perspective. in: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Research Review, 9 June 1997. Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Determining priorities for conservation: a panel discussion of biodiversity elements, prioritization methods and use of conservation priorities. (Panel member). in: Maintaining ecological integrity in Washington State: biodiversity information and conservation priorities. 10 May 1997. Co-sponsored by Sierra Biodiversity Institute and Seattle University. Seattle WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Joint panel on terrestrial ecology assessment and analysis - what do our findings imply for management? (Panel leader). in: Ecosystem management in the interior Columbia Basin: science and management in partnership. 3-5 March 1997. Spokane WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. New edges to the wildlife-habitat relationships envelope: the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. in: Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 15-18 May 1997. Juneau, AK.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Plenary session: Integrating wildlife science into landscape-level planning. Introduction. in: Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 15-18 May 1997. Juneau, AK.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Plenary session: Integrating wildlife science into landscape-level planning. Session moderator. in: Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 15-18 May 1997. Juneau, AK.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Recent advances in terrestrial conservation: modeling and managing for species viability, ecological functions, and evolutionary potential. in: Maintaining ecological integrity in Washington State: biodiversity information and conservation priorities. 10 May 1997. Co-sponsored by Sierra Biodiversity Institute and Seattle University. Seattle WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Species functions and evolutionary trends. in: Ecosystem management in the interior Columbia Basin: science and management in partnership. 3-5 March 1997. Spokane WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Terrestrial assessment -- Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. in: Joint Conference, Washington Chapter The Wildlife Society and Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, 26 March 1997. Yakima WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1997. Terrestrial biodiversity and ecological functions, overall findings: terrestrial ecology assessment. Poster presented at: Ecosystem management in the interior Columbia Basin: science and management in partnership. 3-5 March 1997. Spokane WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Analyzing key ecological functions of wildlife species. Abstract and presentation at: Landscape management of Pacific Northwest forests: exploring practical tools for managers. 19-20 February 1998. Olympia WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Modeling species-environment relations (SER): key ecological functions and key environmental correlates of terrestrial species of the interior Columbia River basin. Poster and abstract, presented at: Landscape management of Pacific Northwest forests: exploring practical tools for managers. 19-20 February 1998. Olympia WA. Web:

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Modeling species-environment relations (SER): key ecological functions and key environmental correlates of terrestrial species of the interior Columbia River Basin. Poster presentation at: Landscape management of Pacific Northwest forests: exploring practical tools for managers. 19-20 February 1998. Olympia WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Perceptions of U.S. counterpart, presentations on the project site - Garo Hills Conservation Area. Presented 8 November 1998 at: WII-USDA Forest Service Collaborative Project, Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Productivity - A New Perspective, Mid Term Review and Workshop, 8-9 November 1998, Hotel Corbett Claridges Hideaway, Ramnagar (Nainital), U.P., India. in:

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Species-environment relations modeling. in: National WFRP (Wildlife and Fish Resources Program) Program Leaders' Meeting, USDA Forest Service, 20-22 October 1998. Welches OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Terrestrial biodiversity and ecological functions. Poster and abstract, presented at: Landscape management of Pacific Northwest forests: exploring practical tools for managers. 19-20 February 1998. Olympia WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1998. Terrestrial biodiversity and ecological functions. Poster presentation at: Landscape management of Pacific Northwest forests: exploring practical tools for managers. 19-20 February 1998. Olympia WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Analyzing key ecological functions of species for wildlife community patterns. Presented 29 October 1999 to the Ecological Work Group, Northwest Power Planning Council. (invited presentation). Portland Or.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. The DecAID advisory system for managing snags and down wood for wildlife habitat; the Old Forest Remnants Study; and use of Bayesian belief networks for modeling species viability for the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. Presented 27 October 1999 to the Survey and Manage Committee, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis Forestry Sciences Lab (invited presentation). Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. An ecological functional basis for managing decaying wood for wildlife. Presented 4 November 1999 at: Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests, 2-4 November 1999. (invited presentation). The Western Section, The Wildlife Society, Reno NV.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Landscape ecology. Presented 21 June 1999 to FOREST Project Teacher's Education Forum. (invited presentation). Cougar WA.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. The Old Forest Remnants Study. Presented 4 October 1999 to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Lacey, Washington. (invited presentation).

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Panel chair and discussion moderator, Panel on Management of Dead Wood - Perspectives and Approaches. 4 November 1999 at: Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests, 2-4 November 1999. (invited presentation). The Western Section, The Wildlife Society, Reno NV.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Species-environment relations, key ecological functions of wildlife, and salmon-wildlife relations. Presented 6 October 1999 to USDA Forest Service, Chugach National Forest Planning Team, Anchorage AK. (invited presentation).

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Terrestrial ecology component assessment. Presented 10 March 1999 at Annual Northwest Section Conference, The Wildlife Society, Bozeman MT. (invited presentation).

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Tutorial on modeling wildlife habitats using belief networks. in: Presented 20 October 1999 to Ministry of Forests. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Use of Bayesian belief network models for evaluating Final EIS alternatives for wildlife viability. Presented 10 March 1999 at Annual Northwest Section Conference, The Wildlife Society, Bozeman MT. (invited presentation).

Marcot, B. G. 1999. Use of Bayesian belief networks for modeling wildlife population viability: a sing-along. Presented 27 October 1999 to Wildlife Seminar, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. (invited presentation). Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 2000. Disturbance ecology and managing for disturbances. in: Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 17-26 October 2000 (invited presentation). Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia.

Marcot, B. G. 2000. Key elements of biodiversity in the Columbia River Basin: patterns of diversity, key ecological functions, and evolutionary context. Presented 14 September 2000 to The Wildlife Society 7th Annual Conference. Invited. in: Nashville, TN.

Marcot, B. G. 2000. The old forest remnants study. in: Presented 28 November 2000 to Integrated Science/Sociology Class, Evergreen State College (invited talk). Olympia, WA.

Marcot, B. G. 2000. Progress report on the DecAID advisory model (invited talk). in: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Wildlife Program Managers Meeting, 30 November 2000. Hood River, OR.

Marcot, B. G. 2000. The role of EDT in integrating fish and wildlife assessments. Presented 08 November 2000 at Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment Workshop, Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon (invited talk).

Marcot, B. G. 2000. Tutorial on modeling wildlife habitats using belief networks. in: Presented 6 June 2000 to Ministry of Forests. Mackenzie, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Approaches to species conservation. in: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 23 October 2001 (invited presentation). Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Decision support models for plant and animal conservation. in: Restoration and recovery: beyond good intentions. Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter Conference, 2-6 April 2001. Bellevue WA.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Discussion on decayed wood ecology and key ecological functions of wildlife. For: Graduate reading and discussion seminar, 6 June 2001, hosted by Dr. Dede Olsen, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Disturbance ecology and managing for disturbances. in: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 17 October 2001 (invited presentation). Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Functional assessments and Bayesian belief network modeling. Presented 9 May 2001 to the INLAS modeling team, USDA Forest Service and others, The Dalles, Oregon. Invited presentation.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Plenary address: The state of the science and art of wildlife knowledge and how we are using it. Invited talk. in: Annual Conference, Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moses Lake WA.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Principles of population biology. in: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 19 October 2001 (invited presentation). Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2001. Wildlife advocacy: panel presentation and discussion. Invited presentation. in: Annual Conference, Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moses Lake WA.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. I believe, therefore I model: Modeling wildlife-habitat relations with Bayesian belief networks. Presented 20 January 2002 to Faculty and Graduate Seminar, Department of Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. Modeling rare species with Bayesian belief networks. Seminar presented 31 January 2002 to graduate class on species modeling, Department of Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. Modeling species and decision with Bayesian belief networks. Presented 17 April 2002 at: Workshop on species modeling. Ministry of Forests, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. The Old Forest Remnants Study. Presented 12 February 2002 to Mt. Hood National Forest meeting with visiting Japanese forest ecologist Takahashi Yamaguchi. Mt. Hood National Forest Supervisor's Office, Sandy, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. Overview of biological and ecological considerations for using statistical analyses. in: Workshop on Families of Statistical Tools for Modeling Survey and Manage Species, 24 January 2002. Survey and Manage Species Program. USDA Forest Service, Corvallis Forestry Sciences Lab, Corvallis OR.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. The role of old-forest legacies. Presented 19 October 2002 at: 2002 Oregon Wilderness Conference, Oregon Natural Resources Council, Portland, OR. (Invited talk). in:

Marcot, B. G. 2002. Use of key ecological functions for assessing Columbia Basin and subbasin conditions. Presented 1 August 2002 to Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority and Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2002. Using decision analysis tools in listing decisions. in: Shortcourse on Scientific principles and techniques for endangered species conservation, 19-23 August 2002, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Shepherdstown WV.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Annual species review decision modeling and survey and manage species-environment relations modeling. in: Modeling workshop - Interagency Regional Monitoring Northwest Forest Plan, 8 April 2003. USDA Forest Service, Portland OR.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Characterizing species at risk: experience in species and decision modeling under the Northwest Forest Plan. in: September 2003 Annual National Conference of The Wildlife Society, Session on "Assessing Risks to Wildlife Populations From Multiple Stressors". Burlington VT.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. The conceptual basis of IBIS: wildlife-habitat relationships and key ecological functions. Presented 24 June 2003 to Joint Meeting of the Interagency Science Review Panel and the Interagency Science Advisory Board, Northwest Power Planning Council, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Expanding the wildlife-habitat relationships paradigm: how key ecological functions of organisms change the world. Presented at Seminar Series, Department of Biology, Portland State University, Oregon, 27 May 2004 (invited).

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Interpreting and using results from the Interactive Biodiversity Information System (IBIS) for subbasin assessment. in: Regional Wildlife Assessment Coordination Meeting. Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Portland, Oregon, 31 July 2003.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. On key indicators. Presented 4 February 2003. in: Workshop to Develop a Conceptual Model for Biodiversity Monitoring. Regional Ecosystem Office, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. ROD criteria as Bayesian belief network decision models. in: Step 3 Workshop, 2003 Survey & Manage Annual Species Review. Pacific Northwest Research Station Director's Office, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, 29 May 2003.

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Species and system approaches to assessing and managing rare and little-known species. Presented at: Conference on Innovations in Species Conservation: Integrative Approaches to Address Rarity and Risk, April 28-30, 2003. USDA Forest Service and others. Portland, OR. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2003. Viability (persistence, rarity) and risk. in: Step 3 Workshop, 2003 Survey & Manage Annual Species Review. Pacific Northwest Research Station Director's Office, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, 29 May 2003.

Marcot, B. G. 2004. Approaches to species conservation. in: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 30 March 2004 (invited presentation). Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2004. Fine-scale modeling of Survey and Manage Species. Presented 7 June 2004 to Survey and Manage Species Program, Pacific Northwest Region USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Portland, Oregon (invited).

Marcot, B. G. 2004. The future of wildlife habitat modeling. (invited keynote). in: Habitat Supply Modeling Practitioner's Workshop, 23-25 November 2004. B.C. Ministry of Forests, Chase, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2004. Principles of population biology. in: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Habitat and Plant Management Short Course, 25 March 2004 (invited presentation). Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2004. Summary for decision and species modeling for Survey and Manage Species Program. in: Survey and Manage Species Modeling Meeting, 7 June 2004, USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Forest biodiversity -- alternative futures. Presented 24 June 2005. (invited). in: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. From timber to biodiversity: changing perspectives in forest management (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Garo Hills Conservation Area, 13-14 December 2005. Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. The future of biodiversity conservation admist development: reflection and vision. (invited). in: IUFRO World Congress, Technical Session on Environmental Planning for Harmonising Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development, 8-13 August 2005. International Union of Forest Resource Organizations, Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. The future of forest biodiversity conservation. Presented 15 April 2005. (invited). in: Wildlife Conservation Society. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Habitat modeling for biodiversity conservation. (invited). in: Biodiversity Workshop. In conjunction with: Joint Annual Meeting, Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology and Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 23 February 2005. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. How key ecological functions of organisms change the world (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Terai Conservation Area, 5-8 December 2005. Dudwa Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. How key ecological functions of organisms change the world. Presented 1 December 2005 (invited). in: Wildlife Institute of India. Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Management of forests in the past 25 years: global view, lessons learned, and conservation perspective. Presented 30 November 2005 (invited). in: Wildlife Institute of India. Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Management recommendations for research and conservation guidelines (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Garo Hills Conservation Area, 13-14 December 2005. Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Managing old forest remnants (invited talk). in: Biodiversity Planning Workshop. Sponsored by Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Provincial Government of British Columbia, Canada. Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Managing old forest remnants (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Terai Conservation Area, 5-8 December 2005. Dudwa Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Managing old forest remnants. Presented 2 December 2005 (invited). in: Wildlife Institute of India. Dehra Dun, Uttaranchal, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Session Co-Chairperson, Session I: Introduction, Project Background, Forest Management and Conservation Perspective (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Garo Hills Conservation Area, 13-14 December 2005. Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Session Co-Chairperson, Session II: Work on sites: what difference it makes? (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Terai Conservation Area, 5-8 December 2005. Dudwa Tiger Reserve, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Session Co-Chairperson, Session VII: Workshop Conclusion (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Garo Hills Conservation Area, 13-14 December 2005. Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. Special talk: Managing old forest remnants (invited). in: Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity - A New Perspective. Site Level Workshop - Garo Hills Conservation Area, 13-14 December 2005. Shillong, Meghalaya, India.

Marcot, B. G. 2005. The vocabulary of range of natural variation. Presented 25 January 2005 at conference on Using Past Ecological Conditions in Resource Planning: Status of the Science and Application Experience. Central Cascades Adaptive Management Partnership and the Northwest Oregon Ecology Group (invited).

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Managing old forest remnants. Presented 7 June 2006. in: Managing for Biodiversity in Pacific Northwest Forests: Strategies and Opportunities. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Modeling with Bayesian belief networks. Presented 27 October 2006 to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service shortcourse on Principles of Modeling for Conservation Planning and Analysis, NCTC Course No. ECS 3149, Portland Oregon [invited]. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Panel discussion: Comparison of modeling tools: getting the right tool for the application. [Invited panelist]. in: Habitat and Habitat Supply Modeling Practitioner's Workshop, 5-7 December 2006. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, British Columbia, Canada, Chase, B.C. Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Panel discussion: handling and communicating uncertainty. [Invited panel moderator]. in: Habitat and Habitat Supply Modeling Practitioner's Workshop, 5-7 December 2006. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, British Columbia, Canada, Chase, B.C. Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Review of the growing modeling toolkit: special session. Presented 5 December 2006 at: Habitat and Habitat Supply Modeling Practitioner's Workshop, 5-7 December 2006. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, British Columbia, Canada. [Invited]. in: Chase, B.C. Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Summary of recovery actions workshop for northern spotted owls (invited). in: Presentation to: USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Team, June 23, 2006. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Through the looking glass: biodiversity and the lexicon zoo. Presented 5 June 2006 [invited keynote]. in: Managing for Biodiversity in Pacific Northwest Forests: Strategies and Opportunities. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2006. Wildlife-habitat relationships of key ecological and cultural functions. [Invited]. in: Habitat and Habitat Supply Modeling Practitioner's Workshop, 5-7 December 2006. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, British Columbia, Canada, Chase, B.C. Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2007. Analyzing range of natural variation. Presented 25 October 2007 to MSc Class, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India. (Invited). in:

Marcot, B. G. 2007. Managing old forest remnants. Presented 22 August 2007 to African Delegation for Agriculture, Environment and Development Regional Project for Africa, International Visitor Leadership Program, Portland, Oregon [invited]. in: Department of State, International Visitor Leadership Program,

Marcot, B. G. 2007. Of elephants, agriculture, and isolation: the socioecology of the Garo Hills Tribe of Northeast India. Presented 23 February 2007 at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon (invited). in:

Marcot, B. G. 2007. Review of the decision modeling toolkit. Invited presentation 4 April 2007, Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2007. Workshop on building Bayesian belief network models. 22 March 2007 for the Landscape Level Wildlife Assessment Project, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington. Invited. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Bayesian network modeling. Presented 20 February 2008 to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Office, Portland, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Conservation biology module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Conservation genetics module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Defining input parameters to model habitat change in a changing climate (Workshop Moderator). 17 October 2008 at: Wildlife Potential Habitat Forecasting Framework (WILDCAST) Workshop, USDI Geological Survey and National Park Service, Fairbanks, Alaska. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Guide de l’USFS pour la planification de la gestion des aires protégées en Afrique centrale (USFS guide to management planning of protected areas in central Africa). Presented 6 November 2008 at: L’Atelier concernant la Planification et l’Aménagement des Paysages CARPE (CARPE Landscape Land Use Planning Workshop). Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Guide de l’USFS pour la planification de la gestion des aires protégées en Afrique centrale (USFS guide to management planning of protected areas in central Africa). Presented 12 November 2008 at: L’Atelier concernant la Planification et l’Aménagement des Paysages CARPE (CARPE Landscape Land Use Planning Workshop). USAID, Libreville, Gabon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Hosted workshop, presented talk on use of Bayesian networks for modeling species-habitat relationships of Mardon skipper (Polites mardon) in the Washington Cascades. 01 April 2008, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Vancouver, Washington.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. I believe, therefore I model: Evaluating species at risk with Bayesian belief networks and other tools. Presented 10 September 2008 to Seminar Series, Alaska Science Center, USDI Geological Survey, Anchorage, Alaska.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Modeling approaches useful for predicting change. Presented 17 October 2008 at: Wildlife Potential Habitat Forecasting Framework (WILDCAST) Workshop, USDI Geological Survey and National Park Service, Fairbanks, Alaska. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Modeling wildlife threats from global warming: are polar bears threatened? Presented 4 April 2008 to Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison. (Invited). in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Of polar bears and spotted owls: modeling imperiled species for conservation decisions. Presented 17 July 2008 to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Spotlight on Science lecture series, Portland, Oregon. (Invited). in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Surrogate species module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Synthesis of Conservation Biology Module. Presented 15 April 2008, Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse, USDA Forest Service. in: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Travaux en groupes discussion personne ressource sur les guide et plan des gestion, aires protégées (Workgroup discussion resource person on the guide and plan for protected areas). 6-7 November 2008 at: L’Atelier concernant la Planification et l’Aménagement des Paysages CARPE (CARPE Landscape Land Use Planning Workshop). USAID, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Travaux en groupes discussion personne ressource sur les guide et plan des gestion, aires protégées (Workgroup discussion resource person on the guide and plan for protected areas). 12-13 November 2008 at: L’Atelier concernant la Planification et l’Aménagement des Paysages CARPE (CARPE Landscape Land Use Planning Workshop). USAID, Libreville, Gabon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. U.S. Forest Service in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Presented 27 February 2008 to Pacific Northwest Regional Office, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2008. Work and travels in Democratic Republic of the Congo. Presented 26 February 2008 to Portland Forestry Sciences Lab, Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Portland, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Concepts of conservation biology applied to wildlife in old-forest ecosystems, with special reference to southeast Alaska. Presented 16 February 2009 at: Integrating Conservation Biology and Forest Management in Southeast Alaska, A Science Workshop. Audubon Alaska and The Nature Conservancy. (Invited). Juneau, Alaska

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Conservation biology and old-forest ecosystems in southeast Alaska. Presented 19 February 2009 at: Tongass Science Conference (a public conference). Audubon Alaska and The Nature Conservancy. (Invited). Juneau, Alaska

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Conservation biology module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Conservation genetics module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Modeling applications. Presented 17 April 2009 at: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Modeling tools. Presented 16 April 2009 at: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Modeling wildlife-habitat relationships. Presented 9 November 2009 to graduate class: FOR604 Wildlife Habitat Relationships, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Surrogate species module. On-line and on-site short course presentation, USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Synthesis of Conservation Biology Module. Presented at: Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse, USDA Forest Service. in: Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Marcot, B. G. 2009. Unfolding the world: Tesseracts and linkages among science, society, and systems. For: Graduate Student Symposium. Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 22 May 2009. [Invited closing keynote address].

Marcot, B. G. 2010. Approaches to structured decision assessment and expert-based models. Presented 27 January 2009 at: Biological Reviews for Bearded and Ringed Seals Structured Decision Making Workshop, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA, Seattle WA. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2010. Decision modeling under uncertainty - the many tools in the toolbox. Presented 21 April 2010 to USGS National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2010. Modeling with Bayesian networks. Workshop held 21 April 2010 at USGS National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2011. The future of polar bears under climate change. Presented 10 January 2011 to World Forest Institute and The Oregon Zoo [invited]. in: World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2011. Invertebrates in old forest remnants in the Cascade Mountains of southern Washington. in: 2011 US-IALE (U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology) Annual Symposium. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2011. A new future for polar bears. in: 2011 US-IALE (U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology) Annual Symposium. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2012. Introduction to structured decision-making. in: Presented 30 April 2012 at: Alaska Science and Decision-Making Workshop. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.

Marcot, B. G. 2012. Research and progress on modeling effects of climate change on wildlife. Online presentation 12 September 2012 to Wildlife Conservation Society. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2014. Applying modelling tools to improve decision making in land management and for the conservation of biodiversity in a climate of uncertainty. Presented 21 November 2014 to Ministry of Primary Industries, Wellington, New Zealand. .

Marcot, B. G. 2014. Of confidence, control, and cause: using Bayesian networks for management decisions. Presented 26 November 2014 at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Rotorua, New Zealand. [Invited keynote address].

Marcot, B. G. 2014. Structured decision-making process. Presented 23 January 2014 at Federal Mitigation Fund - Strategic Restoration Plan Development Meeting, Umpqua National Forest, U.S. Forest Service. Roseburg, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2014. Using Bayesian networks to model plants and wildlife for conservation planning under uncertainty. Presented 21 November 2014 to Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. .

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Application of new tools, uncertainty, and risk in species assessment and conservation planning. Presented 19 November 2015 at Ecological Process and Function Program Review, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Basics of Bayesian network modeling. Presented 7 December 2015 at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Crown Research Institute, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Bayesian networks and expert elicitation. Presented 1 December 2015 at Scion Crown Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Bayesian networks and expert paneling: tools for conservation planning under uncertainty. Presented 26 November 2015 at Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA), University of Melbourne, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Career event panel for US Forest Service. Presented 18 October 2015 at: Symposium on Wildlife and a Changing Climate: Research and Management Implications, 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, 17-21 October 2015, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Common quandaries and their practical solutions in Bayesian network modeling. Presented 23 November 2015 at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. [Invited keynote address].

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Conservation modeling under uncertainty. Presented 9 December 2015 at Department of Conservation, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Marcot, B. G. 2015. Workshop on Bayesian network modeling. Presented 8 December 2015 at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Crown Research Institute, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Marcot, B. G. 2016. Bayesian network modeling workshop. 12 June 2016 at 24th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Anchorage, Alaska.

Marcot, B. G. 2016. Big changes in cold places: Projected responses of bird and mammal habitats to climate change in northwest Alaska. April 20, 2016. For: Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Departmental Seminar, Spring 2016 session on “Climate impacts on fish, wildlife, and their habitats" [Invited]. Corvallis, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2016. Building a common vocabulary for modeling. 28 June 2016, Workshop on Restoration Prioritization Models, Tools, Frameworks, and Products, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region and Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2017. Application of structured decision making tools and frameworks. Presented 28 November 2017 to Biocontrol Programme Research Team Meeting, Scion Forestry Crown Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand [invited presentation].

Marcot, B. G. 2017. A decision support system for identifying potentially invasive and injurious freshwater fishes. Presented 30 November 2017 to Scion Forestry Crown Research Institute, Research Seminar, Rotorua, New Zealand [invited presentation].

Marcot, B. G. 2017. Experto crede: crafting Bayesian networks from expert knowledge. Presented 21 November 2017 at the combined meeting of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society and the Annual Conference of the Society for Risk Analysis, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. [Invited keynote address].

Marcot, B. G. 2017. Of polar bears and recovery decision on thin ice. Presented 16 November 2017 to Joint Faculty-Student Seminar, University of Melbourne, Creswick, Australia [invited presentation].

Marcot, B. G. 2017. Use of structured decision-making in environmental resource decisions. Presented 22 November 2017 to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Melbourne, Australia [invited presentation].

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Chair for Session 3, Defence and Security Applications, 7 December 2018, 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Chapter 6: Biodiversity of older forests. Presented 26 June 2018, Northwest Forest Plan Science Forum, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2018. EcoQBNs: Toward a new framework of ecological quantum Bayesian networks. Presented 7 December 2018 at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Eliciting expert knowledge for Bayesian network models. Presented 12 September 2018, to Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway.

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Modeling polar bears for recovery decisions. Presented 4 September 2018, to The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway.

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Northwest Forest Plan science synthesis: species and biodiversity of older forests. Presented 1 November 2018 to Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, Oregon [invited]. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Use of Bayesian networks to model plants and wildlife for conservation planning under uncertainty. Presented 10 September 2018, to Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway.

Marcot, B. G. 2018. Why sustainable forestry is more than forests. Presented 18 July 2018 at Postcards From the Frontlines of International Forestry. World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon [invited keynote].

Marcot, B. G. 2019. Dilemmas in dealing with peer reviews in publishing Bayesian networks. Presented 14 November 2019 at: Joint Conference on Risk and Decision-Making. Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand (SRA-ANZ) with Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS). 13-14 November 2019, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2019. Plenary keynote panel presentation and discussion. Panel moderator Laura Teslter, OR TWS President. Presented 27 February 2019, Annual Conference, Oregon Chapter, The Wildlife Society, Bend, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G. 2019. Risk analysis and risk management in natural resource conservation in the U.S. government. Presentation made, with Bayesian network modeling workshop, 15 November 2019 to Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, New Zealand. [Invited].

Marcot, B. G. 2019. Risk analysis and structured decision making in U.S. Forest Service Research and Management. Presented 20 October 2019 at session "Applications of Decision Analysis for Federal, State, Provincial, and Tribal Natural Resource Management" for The Decision Analysis Society (DAS), INFORMS Conference 20-23 October 2019, Seattle, WA. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2020. Panelist, Discussion Panel, 10 December 2020 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 9-10 December 2020, held virtually as video-conference presentations. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2020. Session Chair, "Environmental Applications II", 9 December 2020 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 9-10 December 2020, held virtually as video-conference presentations. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2020. Structured decision making and risk analysis under COVID-19. Invited presentation 19 May 2020 to: Regional Leadership Team Meeting, Pacific Northwest Region, “Leading Through and After a Pandemic,” virtual meeting, Portland OR.

Marcot, B. G. 2020. To all the Bayesian Networks I’ve loved before. Presented 9 December 2020 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 9-10 December 2020, held virtually as video-conference presentations., [Invited]. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2021. Basics of Bayesian network modeling. Presented 24 June 2021 to: National Archives and Records Administration, Maryland [Virtual on-line presentation].

Marcot, B. G. 2021. Efficacy of Bayesian network modelling for capturing the complexity of the real world. Debate Panel, 17 November 2021 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2021, held virtually as video-conference presentations. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2021. Initial explorations of machine self-learning with generative adversarial Bayesian networks. Presented 17 November 2021 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2021, held virtually as video-conference presentations. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2021. The many faces of probability. Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society Webinar Series, presented 1 September 2021. [Invited].

Marcot, B. G. 2021. Use of scientific uncertainty in artistic expression. Evening panel discussion, for "What Will Nature Do?" A collaborative arts+science exhibition to communicate hope for climate change through the arts. The Arts Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR. October 28, 2021. [Invited]

Marcot, B. G. 2022. Real world experience of using Bayesian decision networks. Presented 18 November 2022 at University of Sydney School of Public Health's Decision Making Symposium. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2022. Session Chair, "Session 3: Tool Developments (Part 1)", 16 November 2022 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2022, held at Chau Chak Wing Museum, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, Sydney, Australia. in:

Marcot, B. G. 2022. Use of Bayesian decision networks for modeling risk analysis. Presented October 2022, US Geological Survey, Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Remediation Program, Columbia, Missouri. [invited].

Marcot, B. G. 2022. Workshop for students on Bayesian network modeling. 15 November 2022 morning at University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2023. Discussion panel moderator, Session 6: Alternative Methods. in: 2 November 2023 at Bayesian Network Modelling Association Annual Conference: Expanding Horizons - BNs and Beyond, 1-3 November 2023. Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2023. Moderator, Bayesian network modelling workshop. in: 3 November 2023 at Bayesian Network Modelling Association Annual Conference: Expanding Horizons - BNs and Beyond, 1-3 November 2023. Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G. 2023. Session chair, Session 6: Alternative Methods. in: 2 November 2023 at Bayesian Network Modelling Association Annual Conference: Expanding Horizons - BNs and Beyond, 1-3 November 2023. Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., and 5_others. 2022. Panel discussion. 18 November 2022 at University of Sydney School of Public Health's Decision Making Symposium. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., and S. C. Amstrup. 2009. Polar bears in the greenhouse: global populations under stress. in: Presented 16 November 2009 at: 2009 Carnivore Conference: Carnivore Conservation in a Changing World. Defenders of Wildlife. Denver, Colorado.

Marcot, B. G., and S. C. Amstrup. 2009. Warm times ahead: modeling the future of polar bear global populations. in: Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 12 February 2009. Glen Eden, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., R. G. Anthony, R. S. Holthausen, R. Lesher, M. G. Raphael, J. W. Thomas, and J. Ziegltrum. 1994. Viability assessment of terrestrial plants and animals closely associated with late-successional forests in the Pacific Northwest. in: No. Amer. Wildl. Nat. Resourc. Conf. Anchorage AK.

Marcot, B. G., T. C. Atwood, D. C. Douglas, S. C. Amstrup, K. D. Rode, G. M. Durner, and J. F. Bromaghin. 2015. Effects of climate change and stressors on polar bears: the next (modeling) generation. Presented 20 October 2015 at: Symposium on A Polarizing Icon: Research and Management of the Polar Bear, 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, 17-21 October 2015, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Marcot, B. G., T. C. Atwood, D. C. Douglas, J. F. Bromaghin, A. M. Pagano, and S. C. Amstrup. 2023. Evolution of Bayesian network models of polar bears under changing Arctic conditions: Key roles of ongoing research, expert knowledge, and uncertainties. in: Presented 1 November 2023 at Bayesian Network Modelling Association Annual Conference: Expanding Horizons - BNs and Beyond, 1-3 November 2023. Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., P. M. Cocker, and D. H. Johnson. 2000. Owls in lore and culture. in: Owls 2000: the biology, conservation and cultural significance of owls. Canberra, Australia, 19-23 January 2000.

Marcot, B. G., and D. C. Elbert. 2016. An expert panel assessment of managing raptor predation for Western Snowy Plover recovery. Presented 14 January 2016 at: the Annual Snowy Plover Rangewide Meeting, 13-15 January 2016, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., L. A. Fisher, M. P. Thompson, and M. Tomosy. 2013. Structured decision making, NEPA, and the National Forest System. in: NEPA Knowledge Cafe. Online webinar series of USDA Forest Service.

Marcot, B. G., S. Ganzei, and T. Zhang. 1996. A sustainable land use plan for biodiversity conservation in Far East Russia and northern China. Presented 10 September 1996 at: International Conference on Sustaining Ecosystems and People in Temperate and Boreal Forests: Integrating Conservation of Biological Diversity with Social and Economic Goals, 8-13 September 1996, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Marcot, B. G., M. H. Hoff, C. D. Martin, S. D. Jewell, and C. E. Givens. 2019. Catching them early: A decision support system to predict invasive and injurious fish. Presented 14 November 2019 at: Joint Conference on Risk and Decision-Making. Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand (SRA-ANZ) with Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS). 13-14 November 2019, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. in:

Marcot, B. G., and R. Holthausen. 1992. Compatibility of science and management: a case study of the spotted owl. in: The Wildlife Society Editor's Panel on Reliable Knowledge, in conjunction with the 54th No. Amer. Wildl. Nat. Res. Conf. Charlotte NC.

Marcot, B. G., R. S. Holthausen, F. B. Samson, and A. B. Carey. 1985. Management and assessment of northern spotted owl populations on National Forests in Washington and Oregon. Presented at Raptor Research Foundation Symposium on the Management of Birds of Prey, International Meeting, Session 11.

Marcot, B. G., R. S. Holthausen, J. Teply, and W. D. Carrier. 1989. Old growth definitions and inventories. Presented at Old Growth Symposium, 29-31 March, 1989, Portland, Oregon. Sponsored by Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.

Marcot, B. G., and M. Huff. 2002. Discussion and agreement on definitions of basic terminology. Presented 05 April 2002 at: Taxa team work session, high priority site selection. Survey and Manage Species Program, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., M. T. Jorgenson, and A. R. DeGange. 2016. Imaging the Arctic: a photographic legacy for climate change studies in northwest Alaska. Poster presentation. ARCUS Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium, 19-20 October 2016, University of Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.

Marcot, B. G., M. T. Jorgenson, J. P. Lawler, C. H. Handel, and A. R. DeGange. 2015. Big changes in cold places: projected responses of bird and mammal habitats to climate change in northwest Alaska. Presented 19 October 2015 at: Symposium on Wildlife and a Changing Climate: Research and Management Implications, 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, 17-21 October 2015, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Marcot, B. G., M. T. Jorgenson, J. P. Lawler, C. M. Handel, and A. R. DeGange. 2016. The future of wildlife habitat under climate change in the National Park Service Arctic Network. ARCUS Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium, 19-20 October 2016, University of Fairbanks. Invited plenary keynote presentation. Fairbanks, Alaska.

Marcot, B. G., A. Kumar, and A. K. Gupta. 2002. Garo Hills Conservation Area (GCA) approach and outputs. Presented 13 December 2002 at: WII-USDA Forest Service Collaborative Project Workshop, Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Productivity - A New Perspective, 12-14 December 2002, Corbett Tiger Reserve, India.

Marcot, B. G., A. Kumar, P. S. Roy, V. B. Sawarkar, A. Gupta, and G. Talukdar. 2001. Elephants and landscapes: an assessment for the Garo Hills of Meghalaya. in: S. Chowdhury, ed. National Symposium on Elephant Conservation, Management and Research, 16-20 December 2001. Rajaji National Park, India.

Marcot, B. G., J. F. Lehmkuhl, and M. G. Raphael. 2007. Landscape approach to wildlife conservation - global experience. Presented 22 October 2007 to: One Week Compulsory Training Course on Wildlife Management in India and Protected Area Effectiveness. Indian Forest Service, 22-26 October 2007, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehra Dun, India. (Invited). in:

Marcot, B. G., J. Lyons, and D. Elbert. 2019. Federal collaboration using decision science to assess alternative strategies for monitoring Western Snowy Plover recovery. Presentation 3 October 2019 at symposium on Gnarly Problems and Innovative Solutions: Scientists and Public Land Managers Working Together to Sustain Ecosystems Long-Term, Joint Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, Nevada.

Marcot, B. G., J. E. Lyons, and D. C. Elbert. 2023. Using decision science to assess strategies for monitoring Western Snowy Plover recovery. Presented 27 July 2023, U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Remediation Program (USGS NRDAR). Columbia, Missouri.

Marcot, B. G., and J. A. MacKinnon. 2004. A broad-scale assessment of wildlife in the Columbia River Basin of USA and Canada. Presented 12 March 2004 to Ecotono Seminar Series in Ecology and Evolution, Laboratorio Ecotono, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina.

Marcot, B. G., and K. Mellen. 2002. Ways to locate, map, and model high priority sites, including use of GIS and Bayesian belief network modeling. Presented 05 April 2002 at: Taxa team work session, high priority site selection. Survey and Manage Species Program, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., K. Mellen, S. A. Livingston, and C. Ogden. 1999. DecAID: wildlife component. Presented 3 November 1999 at: Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests, 2-4 November 1999. The Western Section, The Wildlife Society, Reno NV.

Marcot, B. G., K. Mellen, J. L. Ohmann, K. L. Waddell, S. A. Livingson, E. A. Willhite, B. B. Hostetler, C. Ogden, and T. Dreisbach. 2004. DecAID: the decayed wood management advisor. Poster panel presentation. in: 2003 PNW Innovation Fair. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., and A. Moldenke. 1999. Testing biodiversity implications of old-forest stand remnants surrounded by clearcuts. Poster presentation at: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America, 20-23 June 1999. Eugene OR.

Marcot, B. G., and A. R. Moldenke. 2003. Testing the role of old-forest stand remnants for maintaining forest invertebrates. Poster presented at: Conference on Innovations in Species Conservation: Integrative Approaches to Address Rarity and Risk, April 28-30, 2003. USDA Forest Service and others. Portland, OR. in:

Marcot, B. G., and R. Molina. 2005. Implications and challenges in conserving biological diversity under the Northwest Forest Plan. Presented at: Conference on Science and the Northwest Forest Plan: Knowledge Gained Over a Decade, 19-20 April 2005, Portland, Oregon. USDA Forest Service and others. (invited).

Marcot, B. G., and S. Morey. 2006. Summary of major threats to northern spotted owls by physiographic province (invited). in: Presentation to: USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Team, June 2, 2006. Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., and S. Morey. 2007. Fisher threats analysis process and findings. Invited presentation 6 June 2007, Fisher Steering Committee Meeting, Portland, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G., and D. M. Murphy. 1992. Population viability analysis and management. in: Conference on biodiversity in managed landscapes: theory and practice, 13-17 July 1992. USDA Forest Service and others, Sacramento CA.

Marcot, B. G., and R. H. Naney. 1997. Vertebrate species findings -- amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Poster presented at: Ecosystem management in the interior Columbia Basin: science and management in partnership. 3-5 March 1997. Spokane WA.

Marcot, B. G., and T. O'Neil. 2000. Ecosystem matrix: salmon-wildlife relationships. in: Aquatic Habitat Assessment Workshop for Salmon Recovery Planning (invited talk). National Marine Fisheries Service, sponsored jointly by the Willamette/Lower Columbia and Puget Sound Technical Recovery Teams, University of Portland, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., and T. O'Neil. 2005. Analyses of habitats, species, ecological functions, and ecosystem services for mitigation banking in Oregon. in: Defenders of Wildlife. West Linn, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., T. A. O'Neil, D. H. Johnson, P. Paquet, and E. Greda. 2001. The functional connection: a framework for integrating fish-wildlife assessments. in: Joint Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapters American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 14-16 February 2001. Portland, OR.

Marcot, B. G., T. A. O'Neil, J. B. Nyberg, and J. A. MacKinnon. 2002. A broad-scale assessment of key ecological functions of wildlife in the Columbia River Basin of USA and Canada. Presented 30 April 2002. in: L. R. F. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society (WDAFS), the Sustainable Fisheries Foundation (SFF), and the North Pacific International Chapter AFS (NPIC), ed. Toward Ecosystem-Based Management: Breaking Down the Barriers in the Columbia River Basin and Beyond, 27 April - 1 May 2002. Spokane, Washington.

Marcot, B. G., T. A. O'Neil, J. B. Nyberg, J. A. MacKinnon, P. Paquet, and D. H. Johnson. 2002. Analyzing key ecological functions as one facet of transboundary subbasin assessment. in: Conference on Watersheds Across Boundaries: Science, Sustainability, Security, 3-6 November 2002. Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA.

Marcot, B. G., and M. Ormsby. 2022. Applying decision science in natural resource management: concepts and tools. Presented 29 September 2022, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland. [invited].

Marcot, B. G., and w. others. 2007. Presentations of final analysis results and reports, with USDI Geological Survey Polar Bear Science Team, in Washington, D.C., September 2007, to: Directors USFWS, USGS, and staffs; White House Science Advisors; USDI Secretary of the Interior and staff. in:

Marcot, B. G., and J. N. Pauli. 2011. Development and testing of empirical probability network models to predict age of martens (Martes americana and M. caurina) based on DNA telomere analysis. in: Presented 26 June 2011 at: 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists - Joint Meeting with the Australian Mammal Society. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., and T. Penman. 2022. The future for Bayesian network modelling. Presented 17 November 2022, Presentation and discussion panel participation. in: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2022. Sydney, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., and T. D. Penman. 2018. Integration of Bayesian network modelling technologies: a review. Presented 6 December 2018 at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Marcot, B. G., K. L. Pope, K. Slauson, H. H. Welsh, C. A. Wheeler, M. J. Reilly, and W. Zielinski. 2017. Other species and biodiversity of older forests. Presented 8 August 2017 at: Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, 6-11 August 2017, Portland, Oregon, Session on Advances in Science To Guide Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan Area.

Marcot, B. G., and M. G. Raphael. 2008. Northern spotted owl simulation modeling: effects of cluster size and spacing. Presented 26 February 2008 to USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Office, Portland, Oregon. in:

Marcot, B. G., and M. G. Raphael. 2009. A review of Martes conservation strategies in bioregional assessments. For: 5th International Martes Symposium, Biology and Conservation of Martens, Sables, and Fishers: a New Synthesis. University of Washington, Seattle, 8-12 September 2009.

Marcot, B. G., and K. Reynolds. 2015. Assessment, planning, and decision sciences in EPF. Presented 19 November 2015 at Ecological Process and Function Program Review, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., F. E. Rowland, C. J. Kotalik, J. E. Hinck, and D. M. Walters. 2023. Bayesian networks for assessing natural resource injury: a new framework for a major U.S. national program. in: Presented 1 November 2023 at Bayesian Network Modelling Association Annual Conference: Expanding Horizons - BNs and Beyond, 1-3 November 2023. Brisbane, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., and L. F. Ruggiero. 1988. Management of forest lands for perpetuation of old-growth dependent species. Presented at Old-Growth Forests of the Pacific Northwest, August 22-26, 1988, Corvallis, Oregon. IUFRO (more in comments).

Marcot, B. G., and H. Salwasser. 1991. Views on risk analysis for wildlife planning and management in USDA Forest Service. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, 8-11 Dec. 1991, Baltimore MD

Marcot, B. G., and S. J. Schmieding. 2020. Interview with Bruce Marcot on the Northwest Forest Plan. [Interview conducted and transcribed by S.J. Schmieding, Historian and Archivist, Eugene, Oregon USA]. Posted at Oregon State University (OSU) Special Collections and Archives Research Center (SCARC).

Marcot, B. G., and N. H. Schumaker. 2018. Fender's blue butterfly population viability modeling -- HexSim-FendNet. Presented 22 March 2018 at: Fender’s Blue Butterfly U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Working Group Meeting, Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., and N. H. Schumaker. 2019. Individual-based movement modeling of Fenders' blue butterflies. Presented 19 March 2019 to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fender's Blue Butterfly Working Group, Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon.

Marcot, B. G., P. Scott, and T. Burgess. 2022. Predicting invasiveness of a global pathogen. Presented 17 November 2022. in: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2022. Sydney, Australia.

Marcot, B. G., P. Scott, and T. Burgess. 2023. Multivariate Bayesian analysis to identify traits associated with invasiveness of Phytophthora pathogens. in: 4th International Congress on Biological Invasions, 1-4 May 2023. Christchurch, New Zealand.

Marcot, B. G., and J. W. Thomas. 1992. Use of population models for assessing viability of northern spotted owl populations. in: International Society for Ecological Modeling, Special Session on Risk Analysis Modeling, AIBS Conference. Honolulu HI.

Marcot, B. G., K. M. Thorne, J. A. Carr, and G. R. Guntenspergen. 2022. Predicting effects of climate change and sea-level rise on wetlands of the Pacific Coast, USA. Presented 16 November 2022. in: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2022. Sydney, Australia.

Mascaro, S., O. Woodberry, and B. G. Marcot. 2022. Introduction to Bayesian network modeling workshop. 15 November 2022 afternoon at University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.

McColl-Gausden, S., L. T. Bennett, D. Penman, B. G. Marcot, J. B. Fontaine, and T. Penman. 2020. Predicting extinction risk of fire-dependent plants under changing climate and fire regimes. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2-7 August 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah USA.

McColl-Gausden, S., B. G. Marcot, J. Fontaine, and T. Penman. 2019. A tale of two factors: Extinction risk of fire dependent plants under changing climates and fire regimes. Presented 14 November 2019 at: Joint Conference on Risk and Decision-Making. Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand (SRA-ANZ) with Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS). 13-14 November 2019, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. in:

Mellen, K., B. Biswell, R. Davis, B. Marcot, L. Finley, J. Lint, and R. Hagestedt. 2002. Habitat modeling for red tree vole high priority sites designation. in: Taxa team work session: high priority site selection (conservation planning for C and D species). Survey and Manage Species Program, USDA Forest Service, Portland OR. Presented 5 April 2002.

Mellen, K., J. Lint, and B. G. Marcot. 2002. Case study on red tree voles. Presented 05 April 2002 at: Taxa team work session, high priority site selection. Survey and Manage Species Program, Portland, Oregon.

Mellen, K., and B. G. Marcot. 1997. The importance of snags and down logs to wildlife. in: Western Forestry Conference.. Cooperative and innovative forestry: moving beyond regulation. 7-9 December1997. Sponsored by Western Forestry and Conservation Association. Portland OR.

Mellen, K., and B. G. Marcot. 1999. DecAID: a decaying wood advisory model for Oregon and Washington. Presented 3 November 1999 at: Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests, 2-4 November 1999. The Western Section, The Wildlife Society, Reno NV.

Mellen, K., B. G. Marcot, J. L. Ohmann, K. Waddell, S. A. Livingston, K. A. Willhite, B. B. Hostetler, C. Ogden, and T. Dreisbach. 2004. DecAID - a decayed wood advisor for managing snags, partially dead trees, and down wood for biodiversity in forests of Washington and Oregon. National Conference, Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, August 2004. in:

Meslow, E. C., C. Bruce, and B. G. Marcot. 1992. Historical perspective on the development of conservation plans for the northern spotted owl (1975-present). in: A Symposium on the Biology, Conservation, and Management of the Northern Spotted Owl, 12 November 1992, Raptor Research Foundation Conference. Bellevue WA.

Meurisse, N., B. G. Marcot, O. Woodberry, B. Barratt, and J. Todd. 2021. BAIPA: A new ecologically-based, probabilistic risk assessment tool to support risk assessment for biological control agents. 16 November 2021 at: Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS), 16-17 November 2021, held virtually as video-conference presentations. in:

Miller, R., B. G. Marcot, Heninger, Howes, and Anderson. 2003. Rating forest soils for their resilience to compaction and other types of disturbance from heavy equipment. in: Northwest Forest Soils Council Winter Meeting, 24 January 2003.

Moldenke, A. R., B. G. Marcot, D. DellaSala, and N. Rappaport. 2000. The unique arthropod biodiversity of the Klamath/Siskiyou Mountain region in northwest USA. Poster presentation. in: Brazil.

Molina, R., and B. Marcot. 2002. Decision support modeling for the Annual Species Review. Presented 22 March 2002 to Interagency Management Group (IMG), Survey and Manage Species Program, USDA Forest Service, Portland OR. in:

Molina, R., and B. G. Marcot. 2009. Rare species conservation and management: lessons from the Pacific Northwest, USA. in: Botany & Mycology 2009. Joint Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of America, American Bryological and Lichenological Society, American Fern Society, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and Botanical Society of America, 25-29 July 2009. Snowbird, Utah.

Murphy, R., M. T. Jorgenson, B. G. Marcot, T. A. Douglas, and H. Genet. 2021. Drivers of landscape change across diverse boreal ecosystems in Alaska documented with high-resolution photographs. Poster Abstract for 2021 Conference of International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA), 16-20 August 2021, Fairbanks, AK.

Olsen, J., B. G. Marcot, and S. Trost. 2000. Do southern boobooks (Ninox novaeseelandiae) duet? in: Owls 2000: the biology, conservation and cultural significance of owls. Canberra, Australia, 19-23 January 2000.

Olson, D. H., R. Molina, B. G. Marcot, G. H. Stankey, A. B. Carey, R. Kiester, E. A. Beever, J. Kagan, B. Taylor, and A. Delach. 2005. Biodiversity issues in US Pacific Northwest managed forests. Poster presentation at conference on Biodiversity Conservation in Plantation Forests, 25-29 April 2005. in: Bordeaux, France.

O'Neil, T., B. Marcot, and P. Paquet. 2005. Species-habitats-functions: a planning framework for ecoprovinces and subbasins. in: Joint Annual Meeting, Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology and Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Presented 24 February 2005. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

O'Neil, T., and B. G. Marcot. 2003. Subbasin planning and analysis demo. in: USDA Forest Service, R6 Wildlife / TES Program Managers Meeting, November 4-6, 2003, Welches, Oregon.

O'Neil, T. A., J. A. MacKinnon, D. H. Johnson, P. C. Paquet, J. B. Nyberg, and B. G. Marcot. 2002. Wildlife habitat relationships in the Columbia River Basin: cross-border information and applications. Poster presentation and published paper. in: Watershed Management Council Ninth Biennial Conference -- Watersheds Across Boundaries: Science, Sustainability, Security, 3-6 November 2002. Watershed Management Council, Stevenson, WA. xxx-xxx pp.

O'Neil, T. A., B. G. Marcot, D. H. Johnson, P. Paquet, and E. Greda. 2001. A functional approach to integrating fish and wildlife in ecological assessments. in: Joint Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapters American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 14-16 February 2001. Portland, OR.

O'Neil, T. A., B. G. Marcot, P. Paquet, and D. H. Johnson. 2002. Determining riparian functions from a fish and wildlife perspective. in: Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter The Wildlife Society, 13-15 February 2002. Salishan, Wa.

Paquet, P., B. Marcot, C. McConnaha, T. O'Neill, and P. Whitney. 2011. Concepts and tools for multi-species, landscape assessments. Presented 13 May 2011 to Interagency Scientific Advisory Board, Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Portland, Oregon. in:

Pawson, S., B. Marcot, and N. Williams. 2018. Probabilistic modelling of pathogen spread. Presented 15 January 2018 to Scion Crown Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand.

Pawson, S. M., B. G. Marcot, and O. Woodberry. 2015. Using Bayesian networks for predicting the risk of forest insect flight activity. Presented 23 November 2015 at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Pawson, S. M., B. G. Marcot, and O. Woodberry. 2015. Using Bayesian networks to predict forest insect flight activity. Presented at the New Zealand Ecological Society Conference, 16-19 November 2015, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Pearce, J., D. Walworth, and B. G. Marcot. 2013. Terrestrial introduction. in: USGS Changing Arctic Ecosystems Initiative Annual Principal Investigators' Meeting, 27-28 February 2013. US Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage AK.

Penman, T., and B. G. Marcot. 2016. Single Bayesian network society seeking same. Poster presented at The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference, 8-12 May 2016. Towson University, MD, USA.

Penman, T., B. G. Marcot, S. McColl-Gausden, and D. Ababei. 2019. Modelling population viability using Bayesian Networks. Presented 14 November 2019 at: Joint Conference on Risk and Decision-Making. Society for Risk Analysis Australia and New Zealand (SRA-ANZ) with Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society (ABNMS). 13-14 November 2019, Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. in:

Penman, T. D., B. Cirulis, and B. G. Marcot. 2018. Advances in development and application of Bayesian decision network modeling: a wildfire management case study. Presented 6 December 2018 at the 10th Annual Conference of the Australasian Bayesian Network Modelling Society, Adelaide, Australia. in:

Rader, C. D., V. M. Crowe, and B. G. Marcot. 1987. CAPS: a pattern recognition expert system prototype for respiratory and anesthesia monitoring. Presented at Westex-87 IEEE Expert Systems Conference, June 1987, Anaheim, California

Raphael, M. G., and B. G. Marcot. 1989. Historic, present, and future abundance of terrestrial vertebrates in northwestern California. Poster presented at Old Growth Symposium, 27-30 March 1989. USDA Forest Service, Portland OR.

Raphael, M. G., and B. G. Marcot. 1989. Historic, present, and future abundance of terrestrial vertebrates in northwestern California. Poster presented at Old Growth Symposium, Portland, Oregon, 27-30 March 1989.

Samson, F. S., B. G. Marcot, M. G. Raphael, W. B. Sidle, T. A. Spies, and L. Pederson. 1986. Management of old-growth forests: problems, management alternatives, and a case study. Presented 1986 at Habitat Futures Joint USDA Forest Service and B. C. Ministry of Forests and Environment Conference. British Columbia, CN.

Sidle, J., and B. G. Marcot. 2006. Présentation d'un canevas modèle pour le développement d'un plan de gestion (y compris le définition d'USFS d'un plan de gestion [US Forest Service guide to protected area management planning in central Africa]. in: Presentation at: Developpment d'un canevas pour un plan de gestion du Parc National de la Salonga (PNS) [Workshop on developing a management plan for Salonga National Park], 18 October 2006. Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Singleton, P., B. G. Marcot, J. Lehmkuhl, M. Raphael, R. Kennedy, and N. H. Schumaker. 2012. Modeling interactions between spotted owl and barred owl populations in fire-prone forests. Presented at: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 5-10 August 2012, Portland, Oregon. in:

Singleton, P., B. G. Marcot, M. G. Raphael, and J. Lehmkuhl. 2012. Distribution and abundance of Northern Spotted Owls under alternative dry forest management scenarios. Presentation at: Symposium on Strategies for Spotted Owl Conservation and Dry Forest Restoration. 19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Portland, Oregon.

Singleton, P., M. Raphael, B. G. Marcot, and J. Lehmkuhl. 2014. Vegetation, fire, and owls: assessing Northern Spotted Owl population responses to fire, fuel management, and interactions with Barred Owls. Society for Conservation Biology, North America Congress for Conservation Biology, 13-16 July 2014, Missoula, Montana.

Spies, T., J. Long, P. Stine, S. Charnley, L. Cerveny, B. G. Marcot, G. Reeves, P. Hessburg, D. Lesmeister, M. J. Reilly, and R. Davis. 2018. Chapter 12; Integrating ecological and social science to inform land management in the area of the NWFP. Presented 26 June 2018, Northwest Forest Plan Science Forum, Portland, Oregon.

Thomas, J. W., and B. G. Marcot. 1997. From spotted owls to "ecosystem management" -- lessons learned along the trail. in: Department Seminar Series. University of Montana, Missoula MT.

Todd, L., D. Elbert, J. Lyons, J. Watkins, B. G. Marcot, E. Gaines, D. Lauten, L. Stenzel, G. Page, and S. Pearson. 2016. From censusing to sampling. Presented 13 January 2016 at: the Annual Snowy Plover Rangewide Meeting, 13-15 January 2016, Portland, Oregon.

Todd, M., F. L. Waterhouse, S. Saunders, J. M. Meggs, B. S. Lindgren, and B. Marcot. 2008. Monitoring ground arthropod functional communities to evaluate the effectiveness of structural retention for biodiversity conservation in coastal forests of British Columbia. Poster presented at International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes, 5-8 August 2008, Kamloops, Canada.

Tolle, T., and B. G. Marcot. 1991. Pacific Northwest biodiversity strategies. Presented 11 July 1991 at: Managing forest biodiversity: a coastal northwest perspective. 11-12 July 1991, Oregon State University, Corvallis.

Vojta, C., and B. G. Marcot. 2009. Role of research. Presented 16 April 2009 at: USDA Forest Service Wildlife Conservation and Management Shortcourse. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.

Whitney, P., B. G. Marcot, McConnaha, D. H. Johnson, and D. Hart. 2001. A fish and wildlife rosetta stone: developing a common basis for the ecosystem diagnosis and treatment (EDT) method. in: Annual Meeting, Northwest Chapter of Society for Ecological Restoration, 4-6 April 2001. Bellevue, WA.

Whitney, P., B. G. Marcot, P. Paquet, C. McConnaha, and L. Mobrand. 2002. Multi-species framework: coordinating theory, models and lexicon across spatial scales and between fish and wildlife in the Columbia Basin. in: Joint Meeting, Society for Ecological Restoration and Ecological Society of America, 4-9 August 2002. Tucson AZ.

Wisdom, M., and B. G. Marcot. 1993. Landscape planning for wildlife with conflicting needs. in: Managing Landscapes and Ecosystems: A Practical Approach, 14-16 October 1993. La Grande OR.

Wisdom, M., B. G. Marcot, and R. Holthausen. 1987. A landscape model for managing older forest habitats. Presented 14 April 1987 at Oregon Chapter Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Coos Bay, Oregon.

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