EPOW - Ecology Picture of the Week

Each week a different image of our fascinating environment is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional ecologist.

10-16 August 2020

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Ant Wars

Unidentified red and black ants
Seti River, Nepal

Credit & Copyright: Dr. Bruce G. Marcot

Explanation:  On a warm summer day along the banks of the Seti River in central Nepal, I happened to glance down, and there at my feet was a battle scene playing out in miniature.

I don't know the species ... but there was one lone, larger black ant being attacked brutally by a swarm of smaller red ants.  I don't know what triggered the attack, and if the red ants were defending some resource, and who started the mini-war ... but it raged on for some time, with the black ant valiantly taking continual punishment and returning bites in kind.

This was indeed a battle scene in miniature.  Look at the size of the tip of my pen compared to the soldiers:

Animals that defend a territory against strangers are known as the "dear-enemy phenomenon," such as has been described in the aggression between colonies of Pheidole seed-harvesting ant species in the Mojave Desert of California (Langen et al. 2000).  This seems to be at play here, in south Asia.

No, I don't know who won this battle, but the black ant was seriously outnumbered, surrounded, and unable to escape, try as it did.   

     Langen, T.A., F. Tripet, and P. Nonacs.  2000.  The red and the black: habituation and the dear-enemy phenomenon in two desert Pheidole ants.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 48:285-292.
     Mabelis, A.A.  1984.  Interference between wood ants and other ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).  Netherlands Journal of Zoology 34(1):1-20.


Next week's picture:  The Major Stone Forest

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Original material on Ecology Picture of the Week © Bruce G. Marcot